Booking and cancellation conditions

Booking and cancellation conditions

The Rautuki Foundation complies with the conditions below when reserving services and canceling reservations made. These terms and conditions become binding on both parties when the customer has accepted them and paid the foundation for the reservation.

Booking conditions

  1. The booker must belong to the target group referred to in the foundation's rules. The target group includes, for example, those employed by companies belonging to the Finnish VR-Group Plc and those who have retired from the service of these companies or Valtionrautatiet. When making a reservation, the person making the reservation must state the VR identity card number.
    If the booker does not belong to the target group identified in the foundation's rules, by accepting these conditions, the booker undertakes to pay the Rautuki Foundation a compensation of 950 euros in addition to the price paid at the time of booking. The booker also loses the right to use the object he has booked.
  2. The booker can book several consecutive weeks or book several apartments from the same destination for his family.
  3. The reservation is paid in full via the internet pages immediately when the reservation is made. After a successful payment transaction, you will receive information about your reservation in your e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation to the e-mail address you provided within four hours or the reservation fails, you should contact the foundation's office immediately by e-mail or by phone via the foundation's website to the number found in the contact information section.
  4. The exchange date varies by destination. The exchange date can be found on the presentation page of each object. The exchange date and the length of the reservation may differ from normal, for example in connection with public holidays or high season.
  5. The arrival and departure times vary by destination. You can find the arrival and departure times on the presentation page of each destination.
  6. If the booker does not comply with the arrival and departure times of his reservation, by accepting these conditions, the booker undertakes to pay the Rautuki Foundation a compensation of 950 euros in addition to the price paid at the time of booking. The booker also loses the right to use the object he has booked.
  7. Final cleaning is included in the rental of the properties. The equipment of the objects varies from object to object. You can find the equipment level of each item on the item's presentation page.
  8. Pets may only be taken to locations marked as pet apartments.
  9. The maximum number of people who can stay in a holiday apartment is the number of beds indicated in the apartment.
  10. Accommodated persons are liable for compensation for damages caused to the holiday apartment or its movable property. The guardian is responsible for damage caused by minors.
  11. Reimbursement of personal damages incurred by the guest during the vacation is covered by personal travel insurance.
  12. All remarks and complaints related to the equipment and condition of the holiday apartment must be addressed immediately during your stay to the object's reception, to the maintenance company or by e-mail
  13. Rautuki Foundation reserves the right to change the price.

Cancellation conditions

  1. Reservations made after May 28, 2024 must be canceled by the booker himself via the link found in the booking confirmation.
  2. Reservation before 28.5.2024: cancellation must be done by e-mail to the address: or in writing to the address: Rautuki -Säätiö, PO Box 488, 00096 VR
  3. The Rautuki Foundation has the right to cancel the reservation, if the foundation is unable to ensure the fulfillment of the reservation. In this case, the customer has the right to get the paid performance back in full.
  4. If thecustomercancels(all destinations)the reservation no later than one (1) week before the reservation starts, we will withhold a cancellation fee of 30 euros. If the reservation is canceled later than one (1) week before the reservation starts, we will withhold a cancellation fee of 100 euros.
  5. If the cancellation is due to a sudden illness, accident or death, the payment will be refunded against a medical certificate or similar. The rental amount is also returned to the so-called in cases of force majeure.
  6. Cancellation is considered to have taken place at the moment when information about the cancellation has reached the Rautuki Foundation.

After the aforementioned deductions, the rental amount will be returned to the bank account/credit card from which it was paid at the time of booking. The money will be returned a few days after you have received the confirmation of the cancellation in your e-mail.

We confirm the agreed number of Bedrooms and Beds, but we reserve the right to make apartment changes at the resort. We do not confirm special requests related to the equipment level of the apartment.

Payments with Visa, Visa Electron or MasterCard cards

If you want to pay with Visa, Visa Electron or MasterCard, Rautuki Foundation
acts only as a marketer of products and services and
also delivers the products to the buyer. Suomen
is responsible for complaints Verkkomaksut Oy.

Suomen Verkkomaksut Oy works with Visa, Visa Electron or
In payments made with MasterCard cards, as the seller of the product and shop
arises between the customer and Suomen Verkkomaksut Oy. Seller's responsibility
are all trade-related obligations. Suomen Verkkomaksut Oy is
also the payee.

Suomen Verkkomaksut Oy, employment ID: 2122839-7
Innova 2
Lutakonaukio 7
40100 Jyväskylä
Phone: 0207 181830

Online banks

The payment intermediary service related to online bank payments is implemented by Suomen Verkkomaksut Oy (2122839-7) in cooperation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. From the user's point of view, the service works just like traditional online payment.